Steve Rosbarsky’s Taekwondo journey started by looking up to his older brother, Matt. (Which by the way he still does.) His older brother was immersed in martial arts movies such as Revenge of the Ninja, and the older classics like Enter the Dragon. Steve’s older brother began Taekwondo because of this. And, as a result, Steve followed his brother to class.
Steve began Taekwondo under the tutelage of Sheehan Shigeki Umamoto, an instructor who held dan rank in many martial arts. In these early years Steve was trained in a very traditional form of Taekwondo, one with a limited emphasis on Taekwondo sparring. Steve excelled at this but, two years later, due to a dojang split his instructor changed to be Stephen Capener.
Although he remembers little of the actual details of the split other than a new dobok with different patches, this one event changed Steve’s life. Steve Capener was a World Medalist and a Pan American Gold Medalist. He helped Steve begin his journey into the world of Olympic style sparring, something Steve would continue to compete in and coach for the rest of his life. Steve first competed at Junior Nationals in 1985 when he was only 9 years old. Although only a blue belt at the time, he was allowed to compete as a red belt and was officially awarded that rank after his competition. Steve won bronze medals at the Junior Olympics in 1988 and 1989. He continued under Capener until 1989 when a new instructor came to the school while Capener was in Korea pursuing his doctorate degrees.
In 1990, Steve began working with Bong Kwon Park. Park was an Olympic Gold Medalist and a World Champion. To this day he is still the coach that Steve has the most respect for as far as Taekwondo knowledge. In 1991 Steve began competing in the senior nationals and other national level tournaments as an adult. Independent of one bronze medal at the U.S. Open in 1992, his success making it to medal rounds began in 1994 when he won the U.C. Open in Berkeley, CA.
In 1995 Steve became the National Collegiate Silver Medalist. Though, this New York tournament was not an easy one. Steve had his jaw dislocated with a hook kick in his first round of competition. He continued to win the fight and went to the medical area. The doctor said that there was no way he was going to allow him to continue. So, when the doctor went to get the clip board to write down his notes, Steve slipped out the curtain and continued the tournament through three more fights eventually losing the final to Raphael Park. This taught Steve a lot about perseverance and helped to create more faith in his abilities.
Next, enter the most influential person in Steve’s Taekwondo life, Nick Terstenjak. Nick was Steve’s training partner from 1990 on, and an exclusive coach from 1995-2000, Steve’s most successful years to date. Nick was an incredible athlete whose US Team career was challenged early and continually by injury after injury. Steve’s success during this time was a result of trying to keep up with his “big brother” in Taekwondo.
In 2001, Steve Rosbarsky and Amanda (Rosbarsky) Miller started the Missoula Taekwondo Center with a focus on building MTC into a community which genuinely supports each student toward discovering and fully realizing their unique potential. They successfully created an organization, which at its core, offered respect, appreciation and inclusion for all individuals— regardless of a student’s gender, sexuality, religion, race, ability, class or income level. Using their personal competition experience and knowledge base, Steve and Amanda were able to bring depth, richness, and flexibility to their teaching. In 2018, Amanda stepped away from MTC. Today, MTC is grateful for the time and expertise Amanda gave to the school over many years, including instruction; event coordination and management; marketing; community outreach; staff training and business operations. We wish her success continuing to uplift the community in her new endeavor, Raven Consulting and Coaching LLC.
Today Master Steve continues his lifelong dedication to instruction and leadership of MTC.
When MTC opened, about 35 students started training at MTC. With students counting on him, Steve’s new focus changed from his own individual training to providing for all levels of his students. His goal was to provide guidance in pursuing a better way of life with traditional and sport Taekwondo. Steve rapidly pursued more education not only in Taekwondo but also in judo, hapkido, and jujitsu. His willingness to share information and his respect of others knowledge quickly built relationships with many instructors including Jim “Ronin” Harrison (Hall of Fame), Tim Ghormely (Stanford Head TKD Coach) and J.R. Reynolds (6th Dan Judo).
Then a full circle came, combining Steve’s past with the future. At a 2002 Junior Nationals, Steve sat and talked to James Park, someone who also competed at U.S. Team Trials in 1997. In talking to James, Steve mentioned that he didn’t currently have a connection to the kukkiwon for his black belt students. The kukkiwon is the certification process for blackbelts in Olympic style sparring and is the headquarters of the World Taekwondo Federation, the world governing body recognized by the I.O.C. James said that his dad might be able to help. Little did Steve know how much his life was about to change.
Steve had met James Park’s father, Jae Ho Park, when he was a child at a tournament in Billings, Montana. Steve knew that Jae Ho Park was an instructor in Montana long ago but didn’t know the specific history.
The history is that Ken Min started the Taekwondo movement in Montana in 1966. In 1969 Ken Min left to assume a position at the University of California, Berkeley and selected Jae Ho Park as his successor. He began the Dae Myung Federation under which Shigeki Umamoto (Steve’s first ever instructor) tested for his first dan. When Jae Ho Park left Billings, Dae Myung split into two schools: Dae Myung Tendokan, under Karlo Fujiwara; and Dae Myung Toushi Kan, under Shigeki Umemoto. Steve Capener was trained by Shegeki Umamoto. The moment when Steve would end up meeting with Jae Ho Park, completed the circle.
Since then the Missoula Taekwondo Center, operating independently, boasts over 100 black belts and over 250 students. Steve was selected by Herb Perez, to be a Level One Coaching Presenter for the newly adopted Coach Identification and Development Program for USA Taekwondo. He was an assistant coach for an Athlete Development Camp at the Olympic Training Center, the World Championships, the World University Games and an assistant coach for the Stanford Taekwondo Summer Camps. His hope is to continue this path and use all of his new knowledge to continue to change the lives of his students and prepare them for all life has to offer.
7th Dan USA Taekwondo
6th Dan Kukkiwon
6th Dan Jidodwon
1st Dan Judo, Shodan
2nd Dan Yongmudo
2014 Guyana National Team Coach
2014 US Collegiate Head Coach for the WUTC 2013 World Championship Coach for Guyana
2012 National Collegiate Coach at the World University Games
2011 National Collegiate Coach at the World University Games
2003-2006 Assistant Coach for the Stanford Taekwondo Summer Camp
2001 Started Missoula Taekwondo Center
1999 US Team Trials Silver
1998 US Team Trials Bronze
1996 US Collegiate Champion
1996 US Collegiate Athlete of the Year
1995 National Collegiate Silver Medalist
1994 UC Open - Gold
1992 US Open - Bronze
1989 Junior Olympics - Bronze
1988 Junior Olympics - Bronze
2 Time All City Pantomime Champion
“I have had the privilege of knowing Master Steve Rosbarsky both personally and professionally for over ten years. He is a person of remarkable character and has always possessed a very contagious passion for helping others. These extraordinary attributes, combined with his experience as a world-class competitor and dedicated martial artist make Master Rosbarsky and Missoula Taekwondo Center the place to go for people of all ages wanting to excel in a high quality, nurturing and positive environment.”
Scott Fujii, YFS3, SSC
Founder, Progression Sports Performance Center
Former US National Team Coach
CZECH National Team Coach
“Master Rosbarsky has not only been a tremendous competitor through the years, but most importantly an outstanding colleague and friend. His compassionate and patient nature combined with world class Taekwondo skills are a perfect recipe for effective teaching. He displays the highest level of professionalism at all times.”
Jason Han, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS
Doctor of Physical Therapy 7-Time US National Taekwondo Team Member USA Taekwondo Board of Directors
“I am truly grateful to have Coach Rosbarsky as a friend and mentor. His dedication to his sport and his Taekwondo family is rare. I love traveling to his gym to be around the love and hard work. It is truly inspiring. One of the many things that I respect is the focus and passion that makes him a national powerhouse athlete. That directly translates to his teaching and coaching ability.”
TJ Curry
2012 US Olympic alternate Current US National Team Coach
“Steve Rosbarsky is an outstanding instructor, coach, and Taekwondo-ist. I have personally witnessed his competitive spirit in and out of the ring and would place his dedication second to none. I am proud to know him and honored to have competed in the same era. I hold him in the highest regard, as he is a person of the highest caliber.”
Master Instructor Troy Garr
Garr Sport Taekwondo
US National Team Member 1997
US National Team Assistant Coach 2002
US Collegiate Team Assistant Coach 2009
“It is an honor to have a friend like Master Rosbarsky in my life. If you know him, you will understand what a true human being he truly is. We came up together competing at a high level for the United States of America. I also had the pleasure to coach him towards the end of his career in Sport Taekwondo, and the greatest thing about his character is whether he won or he lost he still had the big smile on his face. And that is a sign of a true champion. He always enjoyed the moment. And what a pleasure it is to see him teach his wonderful ways to people not just professionally but personally as well. What a true leader.”
Coach Peter Bardatsos
8 Time National Team Member
Former US Team Captain
“I’ve known Master Rosbarsky for about 20 years now. He’s someone who has always impressed me. First I was impressed with him as a competitor and champion. The way he carried himself in and out of the ring was something I aspired to. Next, I was impressed with him as a peer. Even though he was just a few years ahead of me, he was always able to lend advice, his perspective, and his experience to help me move forward towards my goals. Then, I was impressed with Master Rosbarsky as a leader and mentor. The way he uses his knowledge to help forge future generations of champions is easily seen from the outside, and felt by those inside his community. But most importantly, I’m impressed with him as a person. He is someone who stays true to his values, means what he says, and follows through with his word. This is the most impactful tool we have, our character and who we are. I’m glad that I’ve gotten to know Master Rosbarsky this well, and I hope you are able to, also.”
Tim Thackrey
Pan American Gold Medalist
US Team Member
Founder of Juice Compound
“I have been blessed and privileged to know Master Steve Rosbarsky for over five years in the highest capacities, both professionally and as a person. His genius stems from his profound and unconditional love of others; his determination that always keeps the kids' best interest at heart; his willingness to sacrifice his own ego in his humbleness that inspires others; and his profound sense of balance of the physical, emotional, mental and deeply spiritual aspect that is so often forgotten— but not only creates winners on the mat, but truly champions for life. An ancient Chinese proverb speaks of great leadership and it says: Go to the People, live among them, learn from them, and love them. Start with what they know, then build on what they have. Then of those greatest leaders, when their tasks are all accomplished and their works are all done, the People all say, we did this ourselves.
Experience has taught that humility is the greatest form of integrity, and you either have it or you don't. Courage is greater than strength, and nothing is stronger than true gentleness, which is an empowered inner confidence, that is driven by faith and inspired by the soul. For such a love of others is a rarity, for it is given unconditionally.
Those that cannot, or refuse to sacrifice themselves so that others will realize their most impassioned dreams, always humbling themselves for a higher cause; will NEVER understand those great intangibles of Master Rosbarsky's entire program, that in reality brings men and women of faith and courage to do great things.
Our Samurai Family has lived the honored code of Bushido for a thousand years, and it recognizes that to be the greatest, one must be the least and the Servant of all. Our purpose is to protect and to serve and as a Coach, a Teacher, a Friend. I am forever mindful of the great responsibilities I have, when entrusted with your children. For I know they are not only your greatest treasures, but the future of our world.
Master Steve Rosbarsky is a man of extraordinary integrity, patience, and honor. His courage and unconditional love of those around him is an example that should be profoundly noted. His outstanding leadership qualities testify that there is no limit to the depth of the good that can be accomplished when you so unselfishly give of yourself, and don't care who gets the credit. Finally, there is no greater tribute than the fabric of the character of his students, who mirror his profound philosophies so that they truly are Champions for Life. Master Rosbarsky would say from his heart: Appreciate each moment, share with those around you, but above all, don't be afraid to dream.
Follow a true Leader. Live your dream. Expect to Win!”
Hugh M. Suenaga
U.S. Olympic Solidarity Coach
National Director of Strategic Analytics
Greco-Roman Coach (USOEC)
The United States Olympic Education & Training Center
2007 Senior Greco-Roman World Champions
Historic 1st in United States History
Baku, Azerbaijan
National Wrestling Hall of Fame
Executive Board Member
Outstanding American, Medal of Courage
Lifetime of Service & Achievement
Founder & Director
USA Champions "Gold" Clinic Series
Nationally Famous "Road To Glory"